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Suivi dosimétrique

How to wear your dosimeter?

According to most national regulations, workers exposed to ionizing radiation must have an individual dosimetry monitoring with a passive dosimeter at least.

To ensure optimal monitoring, their wearing must respect several conditions. If necessary, contact your Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) or your Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).

General instructions
  • Wear a dosimeter Mandatory
    Each worker who works in a controlled area must have a dosimetry monitoring.
  • Adapted to radiation exposure
    Passive dosimeters shall be chosen according to the type of radiations emitted by the source.
    The RSO or RSA determines if additionnal extremity or lens dosimeters are needed. Risk assessment is generally performed.
  • Individual and nominative
    All dosimeters are individual and nominative. It should only be used by the worker to which the dosimeter has been assigned to.
  • For a defined period
    The passive dosimeter must be worn only during the period mentioned on the dosimeter label.
  • Storage
    The dosimeter must be stored together with the control dosimeter on the same badge board in a location where the background radiation is as low as possible and away from any source of heat and humidity.
Some different dosimeters!

Area dosimeterHow to use an area dosimeter?

It monitors either the controlled areas or the adjacent unclassified rooms to confirm the doses remain within the dose limits stated in the regulation. They are also performed outdoor especially for perimeter monitoring of Nuclear facilities.
It is ideally fixed at chest height in the room to be controlled.

Learn more about area dosimeter


Control dosimeters useHow to use a control dosimeter?

It is used to estimate the background radiation and accidental irradiation for example during the transport. The worker dosimeter doses are subtracted to the control dosimeter in order to obtain a dose measurement only linked to professional activity.
It is essential that the control dosimeter is neither worn nor used to measure the ambient dose.
It remains on the badge board during the entire period of dosimeter use (indicated on the label).

Learn more about control dosimeter


visitor dosimeterHow to use a visitor or a “non-nominative” dosimeter?

LANDAUER® provides visitor badges that can be assigned to visitors and/or new employees.
The dosimeter can be assigned to a worker using the “Assign a dosimeter’ menu on LANDAUER Direct.

Identify your dosimeter

Wear period
The wearing period is easily identified by an identical color for all types of dosimeter. This allow to identify easily the dosimeters that should not be worn and ease the logistics during two wear periods.



Identification of the wearer
The name is written in full on all LANDAUER dosimeters: IPLUS, MONORING and VISION.


How to wear your dosimeter

iplus clipsIPLUS, whole body dosimeter

It is worn at chest level.

You can fix it:

  • with the crocodile clip (standard service),
  • with the flat clip to adapt a slotted clip or a chain (option).
    Be carefull, keep those two accessories between each wear preriod.

The dosimeter’s label must face the radiation source. With the isotropy of the dosimeter, the reverse wearing is possible if there is no source which emitted beta or neutron.

If wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as lead apron, you must put the dosimeter under it. Some country regulations impose also to wear a second dosimeter above the lead dosimeter.

MONORING, dosimeter for finger measurement

Wear your ring on the finger designated by your RSO / RSA.

Two possible carrying areas: right or left hand.

The cap should be oriented to face the radiation source.

For more comfort, the MONORING is available in two sizes M or L.

Adaptable monoring

VISION, lens dosimeter

Three possible wearing zones: right, center or left.

Wear VISION in the location designated by your RSO / RSA corresponding to the maximum dose measured during the workstation studies. The dosimeter must be placed as close as possible to the lens without obstructing the view.

Outside the workstation study, VISION is worn with the cap behind the leaded protection of your glasses.

The hook should not be removed from the detector.

For better adaptation to the thickness of the mount, VISION is available in two sizes.