LANDAUER proposes specific dosimetry monitoring that can be customised to your activity.
By combining technology and services, we assist you in your daily dosimetry management:
Discover our dosimetry monitoring services used by almost 300,000 workers exposed to ionizing radiation in Europe and 2 million workers worldwide.
Our Customer Service advisors offers a subscription tailored to your activity:
The subscription is flexible and can be modified through your Customer Service advisor or using our LANDAUER Direct web platform
LANDAUER proposes a wide range of dosimetry monitoring solutions adapted to the radiation your workers are exposed to.
To make your choice easier, select your dosimeters, the body zone where the dosimeters will be worn and the types of radiation.
Your dosimeters are personalized. We provide you with stress-free dosimetry monitoring by means of a simple, personal and easy to read label. Shipping of the dosimeters are sorted by service.
LANDAUER provides you with a practical and comprehensive online tool for your dosimetry monitoring that is included in your subscription.
LANDAUER Direct is a secured Customer web portal, accessible at all times at It allows you to:
Our dosimeters are sent as tracked parcels if local postage services propose it.
A control dosimeter specific to the type of dosimeter is included in the parcel, as recommended by most regulations. It allows to track any exposue during the transport and local background subtraction.
Note that it is illegal to send radioactively or biologically contaminated material through the post.
LANDAUER proceeds to the reading of the dosimeters within 5 days of receipt in our Lab. In accordance with existing regulations, all collected data is stored in secured databases. LANDAUER® also propose Emergency analysis within two hours of receipt of the dosimeter.
A dose report is sent to your occupational doctor and Radiation Protection Advisor (local regulation apply) within 5 days on average. All individual results can be transmitted to the National Dose Register system. Different types of reports or alerts are available: Individual or collective dose reports, customised or regulary dose alerts, etc.
OSL and neutron dosimeters are archived for 3 months allowing rereading on request and favoring invetigation in case of high exposure.